Monday, March 1, 2010

Getting Hurt and Sick

No Mommy likes to see their baby get hurt, and I am no exception. Fortunately Declan has been relatively boo boo free for most of his little life, but I can't help but feel guilty when it has happened. I just irrationally don't ever want to see him suffer or be in pain if I can help it. He is a boy so I am in for it as far as boo boos for the rest of his life, so I'd better get used to it and FAST! I am sure a lot of Mommies and Daddies feel the same. We were at the park, and he was running fast and on his own on the pavement and fell. His poor little face bounced off the ground dramatically and he ended up having a scrape and slight bump on his forehead and nose. It was terrifying to watch! I normally do not let him run on hard surfaces without holding my hand, but Pat let him run and it only took a second. It is healed now and he wasn't seriously hurt at all, but when I look at his puffy, tear streaked face, I feel such profound love and sympathy that it feels as if my own heart and soul were shattering into a billion pieces. Toddlers have accidents, and that is how they learn. I get it...but try telling that to my heart!

We have been relatively lucky in regard to sickness with Declan, and I attribute that mostly to my prenatal diet and exercise program the whole nine months, absolutely no alcohol during my pregnancy and after while breastfeeding, and the act of "extended" breast feeding or EBF. Also, apparently, multiracial humans, very much like mixed breed dogs or "mutts", are healthier, smarter, more symmetrical facially, and with a much stronger immune system than their pure bred counterparts. Back in my modeling days, I was chosen along with some other models to pose as an illustration to an article in Elle Magazine about a controversial book called "Mean Genes" by Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan. We were all chosen for our symmetrical faces, and as it turns out, the ones who were most racially mixed were the most symmetrical. The article states; "The controversial UCLA biology professor’s ideas are impeccably well-timed. In an era when society has embraced a long roster of multiracial stars like Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, Shakira, and Alicia Keys, when models with dazzlingly varied combinations of skin tone and eye color gaze out from magazine spreads, Phelan has found compelling scientific justification for the cultural moment. In short, he believes people of multiracial heritage are not just inherently more attractive than those who aren’t, but they are stronger and healthier, too." Quite flattering! When I was growing up in Missouri, it was very difficult for me being a racially mixed child, and I suffered quite a bit for it. This validation was very healing and important for my self esteem.

I can't deny that I am hardly ever ill. I have never had mumps, measles, chicken pocks, and barely a cold or flu since adulthood. Patrick, then Declan were struck with the stomach flu one right after the other. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen! Miserably moaning boys vomiting everywhere! Declan vomited directly into my face and I still didn't get sick! I had to stay up all night with him, and this is really when I thanked my lucky stars that I still breastfeed him. It was the only thing he could keep down! Both of the boys are feeling much better, but I am exhausted!!!

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