Thursday, July 9, 2009


For the last two weeks Declan has been walking on his own. Yesterday he was kicking his ball quite expertly down the hall like a soccer star! His words now are Mama, Dada, Lily, ball, bunny or "bun ni ni" and bye bye. He babbles all of the time so I am sure he is saying takes time to interpret the words. He has learned how to wave bye bye and clap. When he is happy or there is music on he wiggles his head from side to side in a little dance! He is so sweet and kind and independent! He loves to eat spinach, broccoli, and pasta. He LOVES blueberries so much, that sometimes his poop is blue! He is now 20 pounds and 30 inches long! His feet are so big that I know he will be so tall...I am so proud of him and each day is a miracle.