Monday, November 29, 2010


Today was a great day! I got up very early this morning and went to the store for milk and berries for oatmeal. It was crisp and cold, and it got me out of the house first thing instead of our usual in bed nursing sessions.

This is the second day of weaning today, and I know we are both ready. His immune system is now, at two, fully developed and he is through with the biggest most important shots. I feel confidant that I have done my best to give him the best start in life, and am ready to let a new chapter begin.

I sing row row row your boat to Declan every day since he was tiny, and the other day he sang it start to finish word for word! And yesterday he sang the I love you you love me Barney song! It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard! He hums it all of the time around the house.

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