Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, it felt as if I was going to be 160 lbs forever, but as I enter Declan's sixth month, I feel more myself now than ever. My right knee creaks now and I don't know what that is about, but I can kneel and sit on the floor now and I couldn't before. My knees have been pretty bad since he was born, but I guess it is the relaxin that takes a while to leave your system. Relaxin is a substance that gelatinizes your collagen on all of your joints which allow the hip bones to expand to expel the baby...the female body is amazing! chanting and positive affirmations It takes a lot of strength, chanting and positive affirmations not to be hard on myself and love myself as I am now. All of that poor conditioning from modeling and acting is hard to shake. Looking at my big healthy boy helps a lot too! I haven't looked at the scale, but I can tell I have lost so much more now. What feels great is knowing that I ate well and took my vitamins and worked out during my pregnancy. I tool excellent care and did not ever drink once. I ate very healthily and did not have any major weird cravings. I just wanted more of what I normally love like blueberries and mango. I feel very strong now and I love Declan's beautiful spirit. He is finding out he can scream loud now so he is really practicing expressing himself lately. He can also slide back the linen closet door all by himself now! He is really getting a grip on things and letting me know which activities he would like to do. I love being a Mommy!


lcf said...

I can't wait to see you and my little west coast family! You are a great mommy byoor I love you :-)

Stasi said...

thanks byooor!