Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Last night for the first time in 15 months I had a night of uninterupted sleep! When I was pregnant I was either too full of life to many hormones and new feelings and excitement..who can sleep? I would watch TV on the couch with Baby my cat. We would watch sunrise earth that was DVRed as I contemplated with wonder the new cute life that was swimming around in my womb! The fruit of my womb...I was thinking about that last night. "The fruit of thy womb Jesus" was running through my mind as I gazed at little Declan nursing. He used to be inside of me, and now that he is outside of me I still feel as though he is a part of me. I am his food source..I am somebody's food! The concept is mindblowing. I am providing him life support with the fluids he contuinues to need from me outside of my body. Nutrition, comfort and safety. The feeling and knowing the fact that he will always be a part of me is my initiation to motherhood and all that is holy and good in this world. I sacrify a piece of myself daily to my beautiful son and all of the sleepless nights and middle of the night feedings have all been worth it! He is beautiful and healthy and is SIX MONTHS OLD TODAY!!! He eats breakfast lunch and dinner now and has pretty much since the first of the year. He has said three words in the last two weeks. "MAMA", DADDY", and "CUTE". He can now push and pull the sliding mirror door on the linen clost open and closed, and does forward rolls both ways from a squatting position on his knees. He looks so proud! He is very srong and healthy and I know thathas alot to do with the fact that I am breastfeeding him. I am very proud of myself for continuing as long as I have. It hasn't been easy. Declan is waking up now...until later!

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